如果您正在寻找专业的易世博, 您可以放心,知道我们的拉法叶地区管理服务, 你得到的可不仅仅是物业经理. 你有一整个熟练的团队 professionals with the expertise to provide you with the highest quality residential property management. 如果您是当前的客户,我们提供方便的访问报表和更多.
请填写下面的表格,我们将与您保持联系. 需要立即帮助? 请致电 337.476.1176.
你们安装好电子和自动化系统了吗? E.g.,在线门户网站.
是的, not only do our owners each have access to an online portal, so do our residents. 这就产生了文件签名之类的东西, 基金转移, 维护请求, 业主声明在各方之间变得更加容易和透明.
我们以居民的名义保留了所有的保证金. 根据法律规定,我们将这些资金存入一个专门的信托账户. At the time of move out we will assess the home for any damages or cleaning fees and disburse the remaining funds back to the resident as necessary within the mandated timeframe for our state.
你对维修和更换的理念是什么? Do you try to find the least expensive solution or do you prefer a more expensive option to create a repair or replacement will last?
We have found in our professional experience that it is best to use mid-level parts for our repairs. We found that using the least expensive products led to the item ultimately costing more with more frequent replacement. 然而, we assess each situation and make sure any repairs being made make sense to both save cost and protect the asset.
While there have been moratoriums in place that have allowed some residents in hardship to delay their rent payments, we have stayed on top of all government regulations and guidelines so that we can be as proactive and informative as possible with all our clients and customers.
When do you suggest that I have an occupied property evaluation performed by your office?
We suggest an occupied property evaluation be performed every 6 months at a minimum to verify the condition of the property. This provides a proactive approach so that we can catch any potential issues before they turn into more costly repairs.
Does your office solely decide on the price of the rent or is it something we work on together?
We will provide you with our suggested rent price based our professional knowledge of the area coupled with analysis of the market rental rates. 如果你不同意这个价格, we will create a marketing plan which may include a plan to assess and lower the rental amount as needed. Please keep in mind that choosing a rental price that is contrary to the PMI recommended rate will opt you out of the 30-day rental guarantee.
如果我购买的房产已经有居民居住, 文件和资金的转移会是什么样子?
在交易结束时, 所有存款, 分摊房租, 所有其他的居民资金都应该交给你. 我们需要这些物品以及任何租赁协议, 帐, 键, 遥控器, 或其他细节的财产转发给我们的办公室. You can either arrange for those items to be delivered to us or we can make arrangements to retrieve them.
因为我们有大量的住院医师筛选程序, we are proud to say that we deal with below average number of evictions annually. 我们每个月都被驱逐是不常见的.
What is the average length of time a resident stays in a property once your team places them in the home?
我们的居民平均在一个房子里呆2到2个小时.5年. 财产的类型, 位置, and how the property maintenance is managed are all contributing factors when it comes to resident retention.
所有18岁及以上的居住者必须填写我们的在线申请. Applicants are approved based on a scoring process that is fair and consistent to comply with Fair Housing regulations. We perform credit check to detect any collections, bankruptcies, and assess credit worthiness. Employment and Previous Rental History are verified by contacting their present employer and previous landlords. 我们还会对所有潜在居民进行犯罪背景调查.
工作订单可以通过我们的常驻门户以电子方式提交. Our maintenance coordinator will then assess the request and proceed with troubleshooting the issue with the resident and determining if a repair is required. 如果认为需要技术人员, the maintenance coordinator will contact the appropriate party to make the repair. If the repair is above the reserve amount that we agree to in your management agreement, 在授权维修之前,您将得到通知. If additional funds are needed to complete the repair we will request those in advance.
在搬离时向居民收取的损坏费用是否包括所有修理费用, 损失的费用, 以及由住客负责的维修保养?
是的, when we perform the move out inspection we will compare it to the move in inspection and charge the residents for any damage, 不包括任何磨损. 我们会从住户的保证金中扣除. If the damages exceed the amount of the deposit we will also attempt to collect additional funds to cover the cost. If the tenant does not pay the excess amount, we will pursue them in collections.
你们在入住期间要收取住宿费吗? 如果有,它们是否与所有者共享?
是的, we do have resident fees that are charged directly to the residents for services and programs that they obtain from our office. These are fees that we retain to offset the cost of managing the property and auxiliary programs so that we can keep more of your funds in your pocket.
目前的居民租赁是按月结算的. 你建议与租客协商租约吗?
是的, we have found that it is best practice to have your resident under a formal agreement with a set length of lease. We make our recommendations based on the resident history and market situation. 然而, we do look at each situation on an individual basis and ensure that we are aligned with your goals for the property.
你能协助我的物业安装公用设施吗? 如果是,如果与此服务相关的任何成本怎么办?
是的,我们可以帮您安装物业的公用设施. We have a utility set up cost and require additional funds in your reserve account to cover 所有存款 and fees that may be required by the utility companies.